Mommin' ain't easy

The Hard Days Remind Me of Why I Wanted to Become a Mom

Most days are very routine.

Get the kids ready, take them to school, work for 8+ hours, pick them up, shuttle the oldest one to an extracurricular activity, go home, make dinner, sneak in some snuggle time, and go to bed. I like our routine; it’s simple and sweet, and usually leaves time for me to get things done in the evenings after the kids are asleep, or spend a little extra time with their daddy before we both pass out. However, not all days are just routine. There are hard days. And those hard days are the days I shine.

… feet hurt, my back hurts, and I’m a little hungry because I don’t remember if I actually got to eat anything…..

Two weekends ago my husband had to work all weekend (he works at NASA and does awesome important space things, and sometimes he has to do them on the weekends), which meant I was in single-mom-mode with my two girls (6 months old and 3.5 years old). I knew I had to have some things planned or else we’d just all drive each other nuts, so the days were filled with planned activities (going to the park with friends, shopping with other friends, etc.) which meant waking up at 6am and not getting to slow down until 8pm. Lots of driving, dirty diapers, runny noses, mild tantrums, and sweat. The mom kind of sweat, from taking your giant toddler in and out of the car and chasing them around while trying to keep one eye on the baby. By the time I’m finally able to sit down at around 8pm my feet hurt, my back hurts, and I’m a little hungry because I don’t remember if I actually got to eat anything between making baby bottles and heating up chicken nuggets. But, even though these days are physically strenuous, they are incredibly emotionally rewarding. My oldest daughter loves our “girl’s days”, and the sisters love being around each other constantly.

I get an emotional high after accomplishing those days on my own…

Then this past weekend, my husband had the nerve to come down with the flu. This time I had my 13 year old step-son and the 6 month old baby (luckily the 13 year old can make his own food and doesn’t whine for chicken nuggets and strawberries every hour). Saturday wasn’t too bad…but Sunday. The Lord’s Day. And boy did the Lord test me. Woke up at the usual 6am and tended to the baby until we left for church at 10:30am. Then lunch after church. Then drove the boy back to church so he could attend a fun confirmation social activity. Then went to the furniture store. Then the grocery store. Then back home to put away the groceries and feed the baby. Then back in the car to bring the boy his school stuff since his mom was picking him up from the church. Then back home. Then it took me 2 freaking hours to make a soup that should have only taken 30 minutes because my sweet baby wanted to be held the whole time. But hey, at least my husband got some delish homemade chicken noodle soup while he was sick (did I mention that besides being an awesome mom, I’m also an awesome wife?). Then I put the baby to bed, cleaned up the kitchen (I am notorious for making HUGE messes when I cook), brought my husband some dessert and then took all of my chargers up to the guest room (no way I was going to sleep anywhere near his personal germ-filled bubble) and passed the F out.

I get an emotional high after accomplishing those days on my own, and it reminds me of why I wanted to become a mom. It’s those crazy days that test you, push you to the limit, and make you question why on earth reproducing a number of children that outnumber you was a good idea. But it was the best idea I’ve ever had. I love my alone days with my kids so much, because all of the attention is on me. They both want me. Ok fine, maybe it’s just because I’m their only option…but that’s not how they make me feel. They make me feel like I am #1 (and #2, and #3…) and that is the best feeling in the world.

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